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CityClimate meets CreativeCoding

CityClimate meets CreativeCoding is a collaboration between the City Science Lab (CSL) at HafenCity University Hamburg and the German Federal Cultural Foundation.

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In the fall of 2022 CityClimate meets CreativeCoding brought together international artists, data analysts and data curators to work on new data art projects. The basis for ideas are the already existing digital tools of the City Science Lab (CSL). The City Science Lab at the HafenCity University Hamburg investigates the urban challenges in the era of digitalization in cooperation with partners from civil society, politics, economy, and science. It pursues an inter- and transdisciplinary perspective by linking technical issues with social and cultural developments. As part of their work the CSL develops digital city models based on comprehensive urban data to make future cities more sustainable. For the first phase in November 2022 the participants were invited to get to know the Labs tools and each other during a kick-off workshop. Until March 2023 participants were working on building teams and developing prototypes to turn them into concrete project ideas that will be presented to an external jury and fellow participants. For the second phase, three nominated projects Tree Planting Robot, Citizen A.I. and Climate Future: Image Generator were awarded a budget for implementation. The outcomes will be publicly presented on the CityClimate meets CreativeCoding Festival from October the 4th - 6th October, 2023.

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Veranstaltungen vergangener Jahre:

07. Oktober 2023, 10:00 – 16:00 Uhr, Zentralbibliothek Hamburg

Tree Planting Robot

Ein Roboter der Bäume pflanzt, ganz automatisch, überall dort in der Stadt, wo es zu warm ist und wo der Boden geeignet ist. Das ist die Idee eines der Projekte vom CityClimate meets CreativeCoding…